Tuesday 12 July 2011

Stake Land (Jim Mickle)

My brother and I went to see the film together, he wanted to go and see Green Hornet and I wanted to go and see a comedy. As a peace maker we decided to go and see the next film that was showing; BIG MISTAKE.

Everyone knows that these days vampires are less like Dracula and more like glittery action men - they're definitely not blood sucking zombies...
The first thing that happened in the film was that the main character, Martin's parents and baby sister were murdered by the zombie "vamps" and some unknown vampire killer called "Mister" killed the vampire and took Martin away, he didn't even cry for his family.

I've never been so bored watching a film, quite a few people actually left but my brother doesn't like wasting money so we stayed. Definitely not a recommendation.

Acting skill: 1/5
Script: 1/5
Quality of director: 1/5
Enjoyment: 0/5
Overall: 3/20 (that sounds a bit too generous)

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