Sunday 10 July 2011

Robert Breer at Baltic

When first walking into the gallery space I was greeted by a woman telling me to be careful where I step as lots of people had been standing on the artwork. When I looked around I could see how people would step on the artwork but the thought of people stepping on a piece of foam with hundreds of cocktail sticks sticking out of it amused me, especially since the pieces were slowly moving. I rarely read the programme before I see an installation because I figure that I'll see what it's about when I see it and if I want more information I'll look afterwards, but I normally make up my own narrative anyway. So, I didn't read the programme and didn't know the pieces would be moving, then I saw a white dome which was almost my height and about five times my radius, it was heading towards me at snail speed. I thought I was seeing things but no, after closer inspection it was moving! I went round everything and stooped to see if they were moving, they were. Even what appeared to be a wall was moving. It was hilarious seeing people share my shock as they too realised that they were slowly being chased by seemingly inanimate objects.

Very fun but a small grievance I had was that some of the pieces were from the 60's and 70's, and it showed! There were visible bumps and scratches which could have benefited from some attention to make them more appealing. Other than the need for paint, I greatly enjoyed this exhibition.

Almost forgot to mention the sketches, if you get a chance to go, don't forget to look at the back of the gallery as there's amusing sketches, sketches that I deeply wanted to take home!

Enjoyment: 90%

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