Friday 13 May 2011

Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?

Name: Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?
Theatre: Northern Stage (Newcastle)
Date: Thursday 28th April 2011

When my Dad asked if I wanted to go to see this I'd never heard of it before, I actually thought it was going to be about Virginia Woolf... How wrong I was. I didn't get round to reading the description until I went for sushi beforehand. The description made me think of Abigail's Party and I was a little more excited about the three hour play.

When my Dad and I went to find our seats, the theatre that we should be familiar with we were greeted by a set which had transformed the whole theatre. The set was amazing, if it had walls it would have been the best part of a house! Seats were to the left, right and in front of the part of the set where the living room was. Having such a large and detailed stage allowed each member of the audience to feel like a fly on the wall on the strange events of the scenes that unfolded; scenes of an 'after-party-drinks-party' 

I won't go into detail but there was everything I needed to keep my interest for three hours. Severe tension, humour, politics, relationships, things I could relate to and a wild twist.
When the lights faded on in the interval my Dad and I looked at each other and we could only muster the start of sentences but couldn't quite find the words to end them so we left it as "Well..." as the lights went down again and we were invited back into the awkward travesty that was the evening at the after-party to witness the twist! 

The only negative thing I will say about that evening was the regret that I felt afterwards that I hadn't booked tickets for all of the nights...

Script - 5/5
Cast - 5/5 - amazing.
Stage Directions -  4/5 - I prefered the scenes when there was only body language rather than movement etc. (and lets face it, it wouldn't be my blog if I'd given 5/5 for everything!)
Venue - 5/5
- Always love Northern stage.

Overall enjoyment  95/100

1 comment:

  1. This was very interesting Thank you for your insight!! :D
